2023 URSA Conference - Presentation by Jens Andreasen & Kelly Peterson Skip to main content

2023 URSA Conference - Presentation by Jens Andreasen & Kelly Peterson

Friday, July 14
10:10 AM - 11:10 PM
Logan, UT

Making Lessons Relatable for Students

The focus of our presentation is to make lessons personable and relatable to students in their given communities, Or “Culturally Responsive” content. I have witnessed firsthand the benefits of creating lessons in this style has cultivated. This is a concept that I view as universal across ALL school demographics. Being able to connect a lesson or concept to something they have experienced or seen creates inherent involvement and interest in the lesson where “Culturally Responsive” content is used. According to “A framework for K-12 Science Education page 284” “What counts as learning and what types of knowledge are seen as important are closely tied to a community’s values and what is useful in that community context.” This is what has driven our method of 3-D lesson planning.

About the Presenters

Jens Andreasen has been teaching Ag Education at North Sanpete High School. He has also been involved in production agriculture for his entire life. He tries to use as much real world experience from his own life as well as the lives of students that he teaches.

Kelly has taught High School Science for 18 years.