Research Published on Technology-Mediated Lesson Study Skip to main content

Research Published on Technology-Mediated Lesson Study

"Technology-Mediated Lesson Study: A Step-By-Step Guide"

BYU {filename base} 2018
Photo by Jaren Wilkey/BYU

Congratulations to Michelle Hudson and the 3D-RST Team on the publication of their paper, “Technology-mediated lesson study: a step-by-step guide” in the International Journal of Lesson and Learning Studies in January 2024. The paper introduces Technology-Mediated Lesson Study (TMLS) as a transformative approach to building teacher expertise, fostering collaboration, and creating high-quality science lessons.Purpose: The authors of the paper aim to develop a model for rural science teacher professional development centered around TMLS. This innovative approach harnesses technology to facilitate collaboration, lesson development, implementation, and improvement among geographically distributed teachers.


TMLS serves as the cornerstone of the proposed model, providing a structured framework for teachers to collaborate, develop, implement, and refine science lessons. By utilizing technology, TMLS enables teachers to capture lesson implementation and collaborate on iterative improvements.


The paper outlines the seven steps of the TMLS process, accompanied by illustrative examples. It demonstrates how teachers enhance their content and pedagogical knowledge while simultaneously fostering meaningful relationships with their peers.


TMLS represents an innovative solution for overcoming geographical barriers in teacher collaboration. By leveraging technology, TMLS empowers teachers to collaborate across distances and establish enduring professional relationships, ultimately enhancing the quality of science education in rural areas.

This publication marks a significant contribution to the field of science education, offering a practical and effective model for rural teacher professional development.

To access the full paper, visit Emerald Insight.