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Lesson Plans

High School Biology

Keystone Species - What the Tree Doin'?

Utah SEEd Standard Bio 1.1
NGSS Connection LS2.A, LS2.C

SEP: Developing & Using Models
CCC: Stability & Change

Food Webs - Competition for Energy in an Ecosystem

Utah SEEd Standard
BIO 1.2
NGSS Connection: LS2.B

SEP: Developing & Using Models; Constructing Explanations
CCC: Energy & Matter

The Carbon Cycle & The Great Barrier Reef

Utah SEEd Standard Bio 1.3
NGSS Connection PS3.D, LS1.C, LS2.B

SEP: Analyzing & Interpreting Data
CCC: Cause & Effect

Population Ecology - The Impact of Drought

Utah SEEd Standard
BIO 1.4
NGSS Connection: LS2.C

SEP: Analyzing & Interpreting Data
CCC: Stability & Change

Environmental Engineering - When Water is Dangerous

Utah SEEd Standard
BIO 1.5
NGSS Connection: LS2.C, LS2.D

SEP: Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
CCC: Cause & Effect

Human Waste & Environmental Impact: Causes, Effects, & Solutions

Utah Biology SEEd Standard 1.5
NGSS Connection: LS2.C; ESS3.C

SEP: Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
CCC: Cause & Effect

Spitty Pudding: Macro-molecules & Enzymes

Utah SEEd Standard 2.1
NGSS Connection: LS1.C

SEP: Planning & Carrying Out Investigations
CCC: Matter & Energy

Investigating Cell Structure & Function

Utah SEEd Standard Biology 2.2
NGSS Connection: LS1.A

SEP: Obtain, Evaluate, & Communicate
CCC: Structure & Function

Carbon Cycle - Big Thick Pumpkins & Where They Get Their Mass

Utah SEEd Standard
BIO 2.3
NGSS Connection: LS1.C

SEP: Developing & Using Models
CCC: Energy & Matter

Cell Osmosis - Salt Sneezing Iguanas

Utah SEEd Standard
BIO 2.4
NGSS Connection: LS1.A

SEP: Planning & Carrying Out an Investigation
CCC: Stability & Change

Mitosis - Wound Healing & Cell Regeneration

Utah SEEd Standard
BIO 2.5
NGSS Connection: LS1.B

SEP: Developing & Using Models
CCC: Systems & System Models

DNA Structure & Function - Mouse vs. Man

Utah SEEd Standard
BIO 3.1
NGSS Connection: LS1.A; LS3.A

SEP: Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
CCC: Structure & Function

The Cruciferous Question: How Traits Are Passed Down

Utah Seed Standard 3.2
NGSS Connection: LS3-1

SEP: Analyzing & Interpreting Data
CCC: Patterns

Heredity - The Science of Twins

Utah SEEd Standard
BIO 3.3
NGSS Connection: LS3.A; LS3.B

SEP: Engaging in Argument from Evidence; Developing & Using Models
CCC: Cause & Effect

Genetic Variation - Lactose Intolerance

Utah SEEd Standard
BIO 3.4
NGSS Connection: LS3.B

SEP: Using Mathematical & Computational Thinking
CCC: Patterns

Biotechnology - GMO Mosquitoes

Utah SEEd Standard
BIO 3.5
NGSS Connection: LS3.B; ETS1.A; ETS1.B; ETS1.C

SEP: Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
CCC: Cause & Effect

Use of Biotechnology to Produce Optimal Plants

Utah SEEd Standard 3.5
NGSS Connection: LS3.B, ETS1.A, ETS1.B, ETS1.C

SEP: Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
CCC: Cause & Effect

Natural Selection - Fantastic Fins: Diving into Diversity in Guppies

Utah SEEd Standard
BIO 4.3
NGSS Connection: LS4.B; LS4.C

SEP: Analyzing & Interpreting Data
CCC: Scale, Proportion, & Quantity

Speciation - The Coywolf: How Environmental Changes Can Cause the Emergence of a New Species

Utah SEEd Standard
BIO 4.4
NGSS Connection: LS4.D

SEP: Engaging in Argument from Evidence
CCC: Cause & Effect

Bioengineering - Bananas! Fungi and a Changing Environment

Utah SEEd Standard
BIO 4.5
NGSS Connection: LS4.C

SEP: Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
CCC: Cause & Effect

Bio 4.5 Invasive Animals

Utah SEEd Standard Bio 4.5
NGSS Connections: LS4.C, ETS1.A, ETS1.B, ETS1.C

SEP: Constructing & Designing Solutions
CCC: Cause & Effect

Quit Being So Invasive - Plant Edition

Utah SEEd Standard Bio 4.5
NGSS Connection: LS4.C, ETS1.A, ETS1.B, ETS1.C

SEP: Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
CCC: Cause & Effect

High School Earth and Space Science

Electromagnetic Radiation

Utah SEEd Standard ESS 1.1
NGSS Connection: ESS 1.A

SEP: Obtain, Evaluate, & Communicating Information; Planning & Carrying Out Investigations
CCC: Energy & Matter

Shift Happens - Redshift of Electromagnetic Radiation

Utah SEEd Standard EES 1.2
NSGS Connection ESS1.A, PS4.B

SEP: Analyzing & Interpreting Data
CCC: Patterns

What's Your Plan? Saving Humanity One Natural Disaster at a Time

Utah Seed Standard ESS 2.6
NGSS Connections: ESS3.B, ETS1.A, ETS1.B, ETS1.C

SEP: Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
CCC: Cause & Effect

Carbon — What's the Big Deal?

Utah SEEd Standard Earth Science 3.6
NGSS Connections: ESS2.D, ESS3.D

SEP: Analyze & Interpret Data; Obtain, Evaluate & Communicate Information; Engage in Argument from Evidence
CCC: Stability & Change

What's in My Water?

Utah SEEd Standard ESS 4.1 & 4.4
NGSS Connection: HS-ESS3-4, HS-ESS1-1

SEP: Obtain, Evaluate, & Communicate Information
CCC: Systems

High School Chemistry

Fusion Is the Bomb!

Utah SEED Standard Chemistry 1.4
NGSS Connection: PS1.C

SEP: Constructing Explanations
CCC: Energy & Matter

Spandex vs Cotton - Structure and Function of Molecules

Utah SEEd Standard Chemistry 2.3
NGSS Connection HS-LS1-6

SEP: Engaging in Argument from Evidence
CCC: Structure and Function

Which Natural Resources in Utah Are Best for Electricity Generation?

Utah SEEd Standard Chemistry 3.5
NGSS Connections: PS1.B, ESS3.A, ETS1.A, ETS1.B, ETS1.C

SEP: Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
CCC: Energy & Matter

High School Physics

Mass in Motion - Making it to School on Time

Utah SEEd Standard PHYS 1.1
NSGS Connection: PS2.A

SEP: Analyzing & Interpreting Data
CCC: Cause & Effect

Splitting Hairs - Wave Properties of Light

Utah SEEd Standard 4.2
NGSS Connection: PS4-3

SEP: Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
CCC: Patterns

Middle School Science: Sixth Grade

Going the Distance: How Orbital Radii Affects Distance from the Sun

Utah SEEd Standard 6.1.3
NGSS Connection: MS-ESS 1.3

SEP: Mathematical & Computational Thinking
CCC: Scale, Proportion, & Quantity

Middle School Science: Seventh Grade

Crash Test Pringle - Forces Are Interactions Between Matter

Utah SEEd Standard 7.1.2
NGSS Connection: PS2.A, ETS1.A, ETS1.B, ETS1.C

SEP: Design a Solution
CCC: Systems & System Models


Utah Seventh Grade SEEd Standard 7.1.3
NGSS Connection: PS2.B

SEP: Developing & Using Models
CCC: Cause & Effect

Processes that Change Earth's Surface

Utah SEEd Standard 7.2.2
NGSS Connections: MS-ESS2.A; MS-ESS2.C

SEP: Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
CCC: Scale, Proportion, & Quantity

Adaptations for Successful Reproduction

Utah SEEd Standard 7.4.2
NGSS Connection: MS-LS1.4

SEP: Obtaining, Evaluating, & Communicating Information
CCC: Structure & Function

Patterns in the Fossil Record

Utah SEEd Standard 7.5.2
NGSS Connection: MS-LS4.1; MS-ESS2.3

SEP: Analyzing & Interpreting Data
CCC: Patterns

Middle School Science: Eighth Grade

What are you wearing? Natural vs. Synthetic Material

Utah SEEd Standard 8.1.4
NGSS Connection: PS1.A, PS1.B, ESS3.A

SEP: Planning & Carrying Out Investigations
CCC: Structure & Function

Exploring the Potential Energy Behind the Origami Frog

Utah SEEd Standard 8.2.2

SEP: Analyzing & Interpreting Data
CCC: Energy & Matter

Photosynthesis: What Does a Plant Need to Grow?

Utah SEEd Standard: 8.3.1
NGSS Connection: PS3.D, LS1.C

SEP: Constructing Explanations
CCC: Energy & Matter

Slick Solutions - Designing Solutions for Oil Spills

Utah SEEd Standard 8.4.3
NGSS Connections: ESS3.A, ESS3.C, ETS1.A, ETS1.B

SEP: Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
CCC: Scale, Proportions, & Quantity