2024 AECT Conference - Presentation by Michelle Hudson & Heather Leary Skip to main content

2024 AECT Conference - TMLS Presentation by Michelle Hudson & Heather Leary

Monday, October 21
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT
Kansas City, MO

Applying and Adapting Technology-Mediated Lesson Study: A Study with Rural Teachers

Technology-Mediated Lesson Study (TMLS) helps connect rural, isolated teachers. TMLS connects a team of colleagues in iterative, collaborative cycles of lesson design, teaching,
observations via technology, and lesson redesign aimed at high-impact professional learning and enactment. We evaluated how groups modified TMLS and identified additional essential features of successful implementation, such as all having an equal voice. Other components of successful implementation can be more flexible, such as when and how to modify lesson materials.