2023 SITE Conference - Presentation by Michelle Hudson, Rebecca Sansom & Others Skip to main content

2023 SITE Conference - Presentation by Michelle Hudson, Rebecca Sansom, & Others

Monday, August 07 - Wednesday, August 09
New Orleans, LA

Technology-Mediated Lesson Study: Improving Rural Science Teachers’ Three-Dimensional Science Teaching Practices

Out of 376 papers at this conference, this paper was 1 of 9 that received an award. It received an Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) Award.


As science education evolves to three-dimensional (3D) science, rural science teachers often lack the same professional development and training as their urban counterparts due to isolation and other factors. One method that can help teachers improve their teaching skills is lesson study, which allows educators to co-create and evaluate lessons as a group. By using technology-mediated lesson study, rural science teachers can connect with geographically distant others and collaborate to build new collegiate connections and gain knowledge and skill with 3D science principles. Preliminary interview and observation data suggest rural teachers are making meaningful connections and iteratively improving their ability to plan and teach 3D science lessons.

Access full text of paper here.